Monday, April 9, 2012


Cheryl Cummins aka Cheryl Koops-Cummins

In January we wrote about the Law finally catching up with that scumbag MIKE CUMMINS who is now in jail serving time for massive fraud and grand theft involving Classic Jaguars. Mike was able to easily fleece his victims of 1000s of Dollars because at the time he was a Jaguar Clubs of North America (JCNA) judge at major car shows.

Now his wife Cheryl Cummins (on bail awaiting trial) is selling Jaguar parts on eBay obtained fraudulently from their victims. Her former eBay User ID was 'cherylsclassics' up to December 2011. She then changed it to 'allthatisvintage11' on December 21, 2011. Please DO NOT bid on any of her auctions.

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