Award | | | |
First time out and got 3rd Place in Modified British Class.
Boot | |
Got the boot lid at 6 PM the night before. If I had not gotten it, I would not have made the show. Installed the license plate, still have to install the reverse and plate light.
Show wheels |
I had taken off the go wheels, and installed the show wheels in anticipation of getting the boot lid installed.
Mead Garden |
Some of the other cars starting to show up for the show. I got there fairly early.
Spot the air filter. |
Some people wondered why it was in the British modified class, while others spotted the K&N air filter an surmised there were some modifications that disqualified her from being with her sister XK's.
Competition. |
Some of the other cars in she was competing with. I never did open the bonnet. Still a bit of a mess under there. Need to do a lot of clean up.
Shade |
Everyone loved the colour/paint job.
Venue |
Very nice venue for a car show. Beautiful weather, could not ask for a better day.
Another award! |
Adding to the Jaguar vanity wall. This
article in the Jagwire December 2010 page 10.
Published in my blog. Publishing from draft.